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Financial aid

Financial aid is provided to employees who are members of the All-Ukrainian Trade Union of Nova Poshta LLC Employees (are registered) and pay monthly membership fees.
> 30 000 000 UAH
  • On marriage
  • On birth of a child
  • On summer vacation of children in summer camps
  • On 50-55-60-year anniversary
  • On close relative funeral
  • On treatment of him-/herself or 1-st degree family members (parents, spouse, children)
  • На оздоровлення УБД (заява розглядається щорічно в жовтні)
  • Mobilized trade unionists who were injured
  • Trade union members on the temporarily occupied territories
  • Internally displaced persons
  • У зв'язку із смертю члена Профспілки
Image for other resolution

Conditions for providing financial aid

The grounds for providing financial aid is an application of a trade union member, his/her relative* or head of the primary trade union with the indication of the actual circumstances in connection with which financial aid and a full set of relevant supporting documents are provided.

How long do I need to be a member of the Trade Union and pay membership fees to receive the aid?

6 months

Financial aid is provided to employees who are members of the Trade Union (are registered) and pay monthly membership fees for more than 6 (six) calendar months.

12 months

Medical expenses in case of illness of close relatives of a trade union member are compensated to employees who are members of the All-Ukrainian Trade Union of Nova Poshta LLC (are registered) for more than 12 (twelve) calendar months.
* — Close relatives of a trade union member include: parents, spouse, children. Official and documented proof of kinship is required!

What are the time limits for getting the aid

2 times a year

Financial assistance is provided to a member of the Trade Union no more than twice a year. In exceptional cases (emergency, serious illness, simultaneous coincidence of several events), financial assistance may be provided additionally upon submission of the trade union committee of the PTUO (primary trade union organization) and approval of the Central Committee.

2 months

The full set of documents for financial aid is accepted no later than 2 months after the date of the event (case).

Documents for receiving financial aid

Лікування хвороби члена Профспілки

50 % підтверджених витрат, але не більше 6000 гривень

Лікування близьких родичів члена Профспілки

50 % підтверджених витрат, але не більше 6000 гривень

Death of the Trade Union member

UAH 5,000

Death of a close relative of the Trade Union member

from UAH 1750 to UAH 3500

Marriage registration

from UAH 1750 to UAH 3500

Birth of a child

from UAH 1750 to UAH 3500

50-60-65-year anniversary

from 1250 to 2500 UAH

Health improvement of a child and recreation

from UAH 1500 to UAH 3000

War veterans

from 1250 to 2500 UAH (payment is made annually in October)


For health improvement

Мобілізованим пораненим профспілчанам

from UAH 1500 to UAH 3000

Профспілчанам на ТОТ України

from UAH 1500 to UAH 3000

Internally displaced persons

from UAH 1500 to UAH 3000


from UAH 1000 to UAH 5000

Regulations on the procedure and conditions for providing financial aid

Internal submission template

Send a package of documents for financial assistance using the template for internal shipments ‘Financial assistance from the Union’, Poltava, Nova Poshta branch No. 23

  • payment is received on the salary card;
  • payment of aid is made every Friday (or the day before, if it is a public holiday);
  • if we have any questions about the documents, we will be sure to contact you;
  • in case of refusal to pay the aid, you will definitely receive feedback on the reason for refusal;
  • if you have any further questions — feel free to contact the Head of the Trade Union center.

Please note!

The Trade Union provides aid only to the Trade Union members!

To join please fill in the relevant form and send it Голові ППО (первинної профспілкової організації).